Iran and the Arab world represent two distinct cultures with different historical backgrounds and ideologies. The Iranian Islamic revolution of 1979 created new bitterness among the two as Iranian leadership vowed to export revolution to the Arab countries. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the revolutionary zeal cooled down and Iranian policy makers adopted a degree of pragmatism and opted to normalıze its relations with its Arab neighbors. However, geo-strategic compulsions are forcing the two to reduce tension and come forward with cooperative approach by respecting the sovereignty of each other. This paper aims to dispassionately and impartially analyze the Arab and Iranian viewpoints, the concerns of other countries, regional implications and finally the policy options for Pakistan. In addition, guidelines are forwarded to policy makers to re-evaluate policy options to ensure that national interests are safeguarded and worsening diplomatic situation in the Middle East is diffused.

Shaukat Ali Khan M.Phil scholar, Dept. of International relations,, Dr. Mirwais Kasi, Abdul Qadir. (2020) Tug of War Between Saudi and Iran and its Implications for Pakistan, Balochistan Review, Volume 2, Issue 2.
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