Drought is a recurrent phenomenon in Balochistan and has affected every sector of life. One of the most affected and more prone to drought is Nushki district where persistent drought has affected people severally. This study has been carried out to assess socio-economic impacts of drought in Nushki district, Balochistan. For this study both primary and secondary data were used. Questionnaire was the main tool used for data collection. Research results illustrated that drought has socio-economically affected people. Agriculture production has declined and cultivated areas are damaged. Livestock are malnourished and many have perished. Children and women are more vulnerable and lack of water for human use. To assess the magnitude of the situation, it is suggested that a detailed survey needs to be conducted for drought management and mitigation.

Tehmoor Rehman1, , Dr. Syed Ainuddin2, Shabana Faiz3. (2017) Socio-economic Impacts of Drought in Nushki District, Balochistan, Balochistan Review, Volume 1, Issue 1.
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