The present study deals with the changing economy of rural Balochistan. Formally, the rural Economy was depended upon an indigenous system of Karez irrigation, with the passage of time this System of irrigation couldn’t continue for future sustainability. As such, a new system of irrigation was to be adopted as an immediate substitute of Karez irrigation system. This shift suggest that neither the Tube-well technology nor its risk aversion had been a serious constraint. Inclination of small farmers towards the adoption of tubewell technology had been more than their big counter parts. Despite the fact that the discriminating treatment of various credit giving agencies. The growth of tube-well is faster because there is no other source of Karez substitute. Installation of tube-well is costly due to low water-table and hard soil. Tube-well Technology is gaining preference because of producing more water to a single owner than that of Karez shareholder. Further, it is highly profitable in yielding more crops per Acre. This irrigation system help the farmers in promoting their agriculture far more than they could do in Karez irrigation system. Thus tube-well irrigation is more viable for agriculture sustainability

Ashrafullah, Dr Syed Ainuddin2. (2016) Tube-well Irrigation as Sustainable Source of Rural Economy in Inyatullah Karez District Killa Abdullah, Balochistan, Balochistan Review, Volume 1, Issue 1.
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