The political and social life in Balochistan in general and Baloch in particular have been tribal for centuries. The concept of individual ownership was very much alien to the tribal life. With the passage of time, the tribal system had transformed from complete nomadic life to agrarian economy. The tribal system does not negate democracy but keeps the democratic values in perfect sprits. Every member of the tribe is important and participate in the decision making process. The Sardar in the tribal system plays an important role in the tribe and is responsible for the economic, social and political affairs of his people. The tribal chief or Sardar is not all in all regarding the settlement of any matter but the members of the tribe have also given the right to give their views on the issue. Though Sardar is much powerful in the tribe but without the love of his people he is not powerful. Like the modern democratic state, the tribal system of Baloch does not have parliament but instead it has a system of Jirga which consists of experienced and notable figures of the tribe. The Sardars settle the disputes or issues with the help of the tribal Jirga in quite democratic way. The Jirga acts as Sardar’s Majlis-e-Shoora in Baloch’s tribal system and its role is as much important and vital as that of parliament in the democratic country. The decision on the issue is taken by majority votes of the members of Jirga.

Dr. Abdul Qadir Khan, Dr. Adil Zaman Kasi. (2015) The Tribal System in Balochistan: Its Administrative Organization and Modern Democracy, Balochistan Review, Volume 1, Issue 1.
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