Baloch nation has unique superstitions which are being followed by the nation since their emergence. Baloch civilization, customs and culture seems to be much impressed from the ancient civilizations. Baloch is also one of the ancient nations who accepted the impact of religions and deism in several period of time in past history. If we study the ancient era of religions, it is disclosed that “in ancient history, the several believes of people were not declared as Religion, and used to be called as “old mores”. In any society or nation, deism or superstitions emerge when they people cross the limits of their custom and tradition and create another civilization. When culture turns into civilization, culture and civilization get separated from each other. Baloch nation has several deisms and superstitions in every sphere of life. In daily life, in happiness and sorrows, in all occasions. of death and birth, wedding or mourn, they have unique superstition a. In this article all the superstitions and believes in baloch culture are being discussed.

Prof: Dr. Hameed Shahwani, Amina Abbas Mengal. (2013) Superstition and Deism in Baloch Nation, Balochistan Review, Volume 2, Issue 2.
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