According to feature model (FM) (Brown, 2000), a pair of new L2(Language 2) sounds can only be acquired if a feature which differentiates between the two new L2 sounds is active in the feature geometry of the L1 of learners. Conversely, the new L2 sounds may not be acquired in adult age if the feature which differentiates the two L2 sounds is not active in the L1 of the learners; according to the FM, a new L2 feature cannot be acquired in adult age. This study poses a challenge to the feature model. Balochi does not have aspiration contrast (Elfenbein, 1997). Thus, according to the FM, English aspiration contrast should not be acquired by adult Baloch learners of English. To test this prediction, an experiment was conducted with a group of L2 Baloch adult speakers of English living in London. All participants speak and listen to English by native speakers for more than 4 hours daily. In the experiment, the participants read a list of English words carrying English plosives, which were recorded. The VOTs for plosives were calculated using Praat (Boersma & Weenink, 2012). The results show that the participants had developed two separate VOT ranges for aspirated and unaspirated stops of English. This indicates acquisition of a new feature [spread glottis]. The acquisition of English aspiration contrast by the Baloch learners poses a challenge to the FM prediction that a new L2 feature cannot be acquired in adult age. The study also identifies other factors which play more effective role than the L1 in L2 acquisition.

Nasir Abbas Syed , Dr. Gul Hasan Baloch. (2013) An acoustic analysis of speech of London-based Baloch learners of English*, Balochistan Review, Volume 2, Issue 2.
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