A greenhouse experiment was conducted using loamy sand soil (an ustifluvents) having pH 8.6, organic carbon 0.32 per cent, CaCO3 1.5 per cent and DTPA extractable Fe 14 mg kg'' and Mn 2.5 mg kg'. Incorporation of Sesbania green manure markedly decreased soil solution pH and redox potential (Eh) and resulted in marked increase in concentration of soil solution Fe from 9 to 15 mg kg-, and Mn from 1.0 to 3.3 mg ke . There was significant negative relation of soil solution Fe and Mn with pH (r=-0.91** and -0.83") and Eh (r=-0.83** and -0.81"), respectively. The results of field experiment conducted on a sandy loam soil (having pH 8.1, organic carbon 0.3 per cent and EC 0.2 dS m') showed that incorporation of green manure before transplanting rice along with 60 kg N he produced consistently higher rice grain and straw yield for 5 years than application of 120 kg N ha''. Green manuring resulted in 14-15 per cent increase in uptake of Fe and Mn and 5 to 6 per cent increase in uptake of N, Zn and Cu by rice over no-green manure treatment. After 5 years of rice cultivation, DTPA-extractable Fe and Mn increased from initial level of 8.04 and 6.14 sag kg' soil to 10.7 and 7.9 mg kg' soil in no-green manure plots, respectively. Green manuring further increased Fe and Mn content to 16.3 and 10.3 mg kg'' soil, respectively. There was no significant change in DTPA-extractable Zn and Cu content of soil.
D. S. Chahal, U.S. Sadana , B.S. Arora. (1999) Effect of incorporation of sesbania green manure on electrochemical changes and rice yield, The Journal Soil & Environment , Volume 17, Issue (3-4).
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