Manuscripts of Pashto classical literature are found in various libraries around the world. Many of these Pashto manuscripts have been recorded in published catalogues. The first complete catalogue of Pashto manuscripts was published by James Fuller Blumhardt and D.N. Mackenzie. Before this Blumhardt also included Pashto manuscripts along with other manuscripts published from London in 1905. There are a few rare and ancient manuscripts of Pashto in the State Library Berlin, Germany. These manuscripts have not been catalogued and properly introduced. This article attempts to introduce ten Pashto manuscripts housed at State Library Berlin Germany. Among them one manuscript Majma’ ul-ash’ār is new among the Pashtun researchers and literary circles.  

Muhammad Ali Dinakhel. (2021) An Introduction of Pashto Manuscripts in the State Library Berlin, Germany, Central Asia, Volume 88, Issue Summer.
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