Child prostitution is defined as a youngster is given cash or products by the culprit party
previously or later than sexual relation, in any age children are liable to prostitution. The
powerless and frequently misled youngster, there might be few or no elective alternatives.
Unfortunately, children may regularly persuade themselves that they have settled on a
free decision, instead of recognizing that their own lives are not in their control. Rising
destitution is driving a developing figure of family unit to offer kids, along with girl child
specifically get involved in sex work. The research study is basically qualitative. Recent
situation analyses and reports shows acceleration in different security issues of children
for example camel race, and the sexual commercial exploitation of children and juvenile
justice. These incorporate physical and mental handicap children, from ethnic minorities
and minimized populaces, children live and chipping away at the road, in strife with the
law, kid outcasts, isolated kids without their families, kids in spots of contention and
catastrophic events, marginalized sexual minority, kids living in ghettos and the offspring
of sex workers. Children who have a place with a few of these gatherings are much more
helpless. The sampling method is simple random because to find such children. A semi
structured interview schedule was prepared before interviews.
Aliyah Ali Bilgrami. (2019) LIVES IN DARK: A STUDY OF COMMERCIAL CHILD SEX WORKERS IN KARACHI, Journal of Social Science and Humanities, Volume 58, Issue 1.
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