Makhdoom Qazi Akram Nasarpuri was one of the most renowned Islamic scholars, and among the prolific authors of Sindh. He acquired basic early education from his father, Qazi Abdur-ur-Rahman Nasarpuri, who was the grand mufti and justice of Sindh in King Alamgeer`s vactorius era. After that he went with his father to Harmain shareef and received advanced education from the remarkable scholars of Harmain shareef, Makhdoom Akram Nasarpuri chose to live in Makkah and started teaching at Haram-e-Makkah. He is considered a great scholar of Quran, Hadith, and Jurisprudence of Abu Hanifa. He wrote many books on the various subjects of Islamic studies. He is also considered one of the best commentators of the Nukhbatul-fiker of ibn-e-Hajar Asqalani. The Nukhbatul-fiker is the most popular and authentic book in Science of Hadith, His commentatry on this book is known Ima`n-un-nazar fi tawzeeh Nukhbatul-fiker (A close Review of Nukhbatul-fiker), which is also an exceptional illustration of Nukhbatul fiker. He analyzed the opinions and interpretations of the prominent scholars of Hadith Science. Makhdoom Akram Nasarpuri interpreted the term of hadith scince with several aspects. He also cited examples of Hadith and provided comprehensive perspective and description on the various topics of Hadith science. This brief but wide-ranged study attampets to understand the Makhdoom Akram Nasarpuri`s immense literary work on Science of Hadith. This study may also justify that ima`n-un-nazar is one of the well-known and distinguished books on the Hadith science.

Abdul Ghaffar Madani, Khawaja Arshid Ali. (2021) امعان النظر فی توضیح نخبۃ الفکر کا علمی جائزہ, Islamic Sciences, Volume 4, Issue 2.
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