The redistribution of power from the West to the East and the North to the South has resulted in the promotion of multi-polarization. It has accelerated globalization and technological growth, and has also promoted the integration and fragmentation of free flow of goods, finance, people, and ideas. At the time of the birth of Pakistan, there was no radicalism and terrorism in the country. Pakistan is located at such a crucial point on the map of the world because of which it has faced a lot of security problems. Pakistan paid a heavy price for involvement in the "9/11" US-Afghanistan war. The new wave of terrorism in the country compelled the government to change its foreign policy and bring new changes in the security structure of the state. There is political instability in the country and the civil–military leadership is not on the same page. Moreover, Pakistan requires a

Zain Ul Abiden Malik, He Zhilong, Hani Fatima. (2020) Emerging Security Challenges to Pakistan in the Modern Age of Globalization, Journal of Politics & International Studies , Volume 6, Issue 1.
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