Slang is one of the important components of spoken discourse. It is integrated in our everyday language to such an extent that we cannot ignore its significance while analyzing the discourse specifically of the younger generation. This paper investigates the nature of Urdu and English slang used among different age groups; children, teenagers and adolescents in particular, living in Karachi. It also discusses the attitudes of elders, which includes parents and teachers, towards the use of slang words nowadays. Simultaneous cross sectional design is adopted to compare the age groups which helped in examining their discourse and exploring different categories in it, which emerged while observing the language of the age groups selected. The result shows that adolescents also incorporate slang in everyday life, as much as teenagers do but there are different categories that distinguish the vocabulary of the two age groups. Moreover informal discussions also helped elicit the responses of parents and teachers towards the excessive use of slang by the youngsters in our society.

Areeba Mazhar. (2015) USE OF SLANG AMONG DIFFERENT AGE GROUPS IN KARACHI, Journal of Social Science and Humanities, Volume 54, Issue 1.
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