This study is an attempt to explore the contribution and role of opposition parties to strengthen democracy in Pakistan. It also investigates and snoops the opposition alliance resulted from the politics of United Democratic Front which was a Parliamentary opposition alliance from 1973-1976 during Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto (1928-1979) period. Furthermore, this alliance exhibited critical views, presented their constitutional demands and played pivotal role in constitution formation of 1973 in Pakistan. It also encapsulates the role of aforesaid parliamentary alliance in various other amendments during Bhutto Government. To explore the role of this parliamentary alliance further, UDF demonstrated resilience and put forward their critical views for the constructive, productive and active role in democratic, constitutional and political developments specifically in Bhutto regime. Bhutto’s chrisamatic leadership was exquisitely responsive and dealt them tactfully regarding the UDF and opposition’s demand related to constitutions and political issues in Pakistan politics. This research work presents a fact finding analysis regarding political reservations of opposition parties, depicts circumstances and various compulsions which necessitated the formation of UDF; its aims and objectives as well as political resistance of UDF to Bhutto’s policies, constitutional formationand in different other constitutional amendments under Bhutto’s rule.

Muhammad Azeem , Tahir Tabassum . (2018) Role of Opposition Parties in Pakistani Democracy: A Case Study of United Democratic Front (UDF), Journal of Politics & International Studies , Volume 4, Issue 1.
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