Political stability of Afghanistan is an essential component for peace and harmony in South Asia and has deep influences on Pakistan. Afghanistan’s political setup and security situation definitely impacts on the security of Pakistan. Terrorism and civil wars in Afghanistan from 1979 have extremely spoiled the governmental institutions of Afghanistan and produced huge damages, both in human lives and infrastructure, generally in the border areas. In 2014, NATO has planned the drawdown their forces, an atmosphere of insecurity emerges large on the administrative prospect of Afghanistan, by the anxieties communicated that this state may fall once again into the depth of violence and disorder. This research indicates intentions at concentration of Afghanistan’s current political structures and a danger of their endurance after drawdown the NATO forces, moreover examining the present resistances between Afghanistan and Pakistan on several matter

Zahid Yaseen , Imran Khan . (2018) Structural Deficiencies in the Political System of Afghanistan and Major Irritants in Pak-Afghan Relations, Journal of Politics & International Studies , Volume 4, Issue 2.
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