If we take various time periods; millennium, century, decade and year, and find out the number of deaths (which is of course a tough job for the sake of accuracy) in these periods, we come to know that death casualties and murders etc have seen a marked decrease over the course of period down to our contemporary times. The death toll of both the World Wars and the military conflicts together with genocides etc are far lesser than compared with the statistics of few hundred to a thousand years ago. Man has become tolerant and compassion has been bequeathed in him due to genetic evolution. The fact that we mostly come across the news violence has increased in our times finds its roots in the cause that our sensitivity toward violence has actually skyrocketed. Media, human compassion and an exceedingly louder voice for human rights have made us loath the minutest incidence of violence with utmost outburst of anger and dislike. That’s why we always think there is more violence in the world today than it is in actuality.

Nasir Muhammad. (2015) Is the World Less Violent in Contemporary Times?, Journal of Politics & International Studies , Volume 1, Issue 2.
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