Immunization is the process of rendering a subject immune, or of becoming immune also called Inoculation and Vaccination. The word Vaccine originally referred to the substance used to immunize against Small Pox, the first immunization developed. Now, however, the term is used for any preparation used in active immunization. It is the process or procedure that protects the body against an infectious disease. Present study is consist on a project of Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) was done. Evaluate the immunization coverage in the 23 districts of Sindh province. A total of 1234 repots were evaluated regarding coverage/Knowledge, cold chain, Behaviors, Attitudes, barriers and strategies. The results showed that among the 12-24 month old children 42% fully, 71.3% partially and 18.7% not at all immunized. Low levels of OPV 0 (65%) and high of BCG vaccination (96%) rates shown. Increased number defaulters and low levels of OPV3/penta (83%) and measles 2 (45%) vaccines indicate that completing vaccination schedule needs social and behavior change. Almost all the children in the study were reported from government health facilities. The polio virus circulation and environmental samples shown specific upsurge of virus during months of June to October. Bottlenecks were identified though many strategies were developed and implemented to combat polio circulation. Obstacles, misconceptions/beliefs among the mothers of partially immunized children and lack of information among not at all immunized group were the main reasons of non-immunization. The implications of the study are: it is utmost need to change the attitudes and behaviors to enhance routine immunization coverage.

Rana Saba Sultan, Rizwana Enayatullah, Ms. Ambreen Fazal. (2012) IMMUNIZATION OF POLIO CAMPAIGN IN SINDH AN ANALYSIS, Journal of Social Science and Humanities, Volume 51, Issue 2.
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