Dr. Tabassum Kashmiri is known as critic, researcher and historian. The most important aspect of his personelity is his poetry. In this article we discussed his poetic and lingusitic thoughts. The current era is the reflection of human psychology and modern linguistics analysis of human language, which gave birth to neo-criticism and practical criticism. It paved the way for other ideology that emerged in the field of linguistics, called stylistics i.e. "stylistics is a sub-decipiline of linguistics which deals with the study of phonetics, lexial, syantax and semantics". This stylistic theory has been applied upon the poetry of Dr. Tabassum Kashmiri to justify the universality and novelty of his diction and thoughts

Khadim Hussain Rai . (2018) Thematic and Linguistic Analysis of Dr. Tabassum Kashmiri's Poetry, Bunyad, Vol 9, Issue9.
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