Asoka was the grandson of the Chndragupta Maurya, founder of one of the greatest empires of the ancient India (321-297 BC). The empire won by Chandragupta had passed to his son Bindusara, after his death, it was again transmitted to his son Asoka. During early years of his kingship he was a very harsh ruler. But after witnessing the miseries and suffering of people during the Kalinga War (260 BCE.) Ashoka converted to Buddhism and decided to substitute the reign of the peace and tranquility for that of violence. Due to his acts of piety and love for the Buddhist faith he become the most popular and personality after Buddha for the Buddhists. Many legends associated with him i.e. “a handful dust”, “redistribution of Relics”, “ his visit of underwater stupa at Ramagrama” are depicted in Gandhara Art. In the present article an effort has been made to identify and analyze the legends of Ashoka in the light of their historical background.

Mahmood-ul-Hasan. (2017) DEPICTION OF ASOKA RAJA IN THE BUDDHIST ART OF GANDHARA, Journal of the Research Society of Pakistan, Volume 54, Issue 2.
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