The scholars of Ibn Khaldūn are well familiar with frequent citations of the Qur’an in the Muqaddimah. However, they have tended to see these either as rhetorical embellishments or more generally as reflections of the Qur’anic injunction to reflect on history for moral lessons (‘ibrah). Consequently, the possibility that certain Qur’anic citations may hold greater meaning and significance in Ibn Khaldūn’s life and thought has been largely ignored. The key difficulty for reading scriptural citations differently in the Muqaddimah pertains to their allusive nature: Ibn Khaldūn quotes Qur’anic verses without making their meaning explicit. I draw on the work of Quentin Skinner to suggest a thorough-going approach to understanding the meaning of these citations in the context of Ibn Khaldūn’sthought and intellectual culture. I illustrate this approach and its significance by discussing the notion of khalq-i-jadīd (Divine novelty in creation) in the Muqaddimah.

Baqar Hassan Syed. (2021) Understanding Scriptural Citations in Ibn Khaldūn’s Muqaddimah, Journal of the Punjab University Historical Society, Volume 34, issue 2.
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