This study aims to analyze Layla Al-Atrash’s Nesa’a Ala Al-Mafareqstylistically to address the issue of an identity crisisand self-alienation by sheddinglight on the Arabicnarrativediscoursethat isused byAl-Atrashin the selected novel. The stylistic analysis focuses on casting lights on how the five protagonists of the selected novel employed their feministnarrative discourse to represent theirsufferingand how the old cultural andsocial valuesaffect their lives. To achieve the aim of the study, the researcher relieson Geffrey Leech's(2006)theory of figurative language to analyze the novel. Accordingly, this study is considered as the first study focusing on analyzing the languageusedby Al-Atrash linguistically in light of the stylistic analysis of figurative speech such as a simile, metaphor, hyperbole, personification,and metonymy.The researcher used both qualitative and quantitative approaches with (SPSS) program for statistics. The resultsshowedthat Al Atrash succeeded in utilizing her feministnarrative discourse linguistically to introduce the catastrophic situation the woman has in the masculine society. Taking into consideration metonymswith the highest rates (189) indicating the problems that the Arab woman encounters without finding a solution. Although hyperbole (126= 23%) refers to the writer's trial to support the readers with the perfect image of a woman’s lifeand why she surrenders to reality and acceptsthe outdated conventions and traditions

Eman Abedelkareem Hijazi. (2020) Figurative Language in Layla Al-Atrash’s Nesa’a Ala Al-Mafareq: A Stylistic Analysis, Linguistic Forum - A Journal of Linguistics, volume 2, issue 4.
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