Development of the youth is a continues process and different prospects and dimension are related to it.
Furthermore, there are different stakeholders involved in the healthy development of the youth (Scales, 2006). Role
of family, peer, community and schooling is worth mentioning in the development of the youth (Osgood and
Chambers, 2000). Thriving indicators are also helpful in setting the course of the young people towards their positive
development (Lerner et al., 2012). However, the current study tires to investigate how developmental assets promote
youth development.
―Developmental assets is a set of framework that identifies the skill, experience, relationship and behaviors that
enable young people to develop into successful and contributing adults‖ (Search Institute, 2007).
The developmental assets have been categorized into external and internal developmental assets. External
developmental assets contain domains of support, empowerment, boundaries & expectations and constructive use of
time. On the other hand internal developmental assets have sub items of positive values, social competencies,
commitment to learning and positive identity (Search Institute, 2007).
ARFAN LATIF, AHTASHAM JAN BUTT, REHAN SARWAR BHATTI, SABA ASGHAR. (2022) Developmental Assets and its association with youth development: an investigation from college Students from Lahore , Journal of the Research Society of Pakistan, volume 59, issue 3.
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