In the 20th century the revolutionary movements started in colonial Punjab. That was the era of militant nationalism in Punjab. Militant nationalists and socialist revolutionaries both were collectively working for the freedom. In 1914 Punjabi Diasporas formulate a Ghadar Party. This Party was dissolved in 1918. After the end of this Party comrade came back to Punjab and started revolutionary activities. At that time militant nationalist and socialist were united on a one-point agenda that was complete independence. Those comrades started the Kirti magazine, through this magazine they highlighted different issues of lower classes specially peasant and labour class worldwide. Interestingly, this magazine became the root of emergence of a political party Kirti Kissan Party(KKP). It was only party which came into being on the popular demand of the masses. this party was a secular party headed by the commoners. This paper will explore formation of the party, its structure, leadership, manifesto and development.

Tohid Ahmad, Khola Cheema. (2021) REORIENTATION OF PEASANT POLITICS IN COLONIAL PUNJAB AND FORMATION OF KIRTI KISSAN PARTY (KKP)*, Journal of the Research Society of Pakistan, Volume-58, issue 4.
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