The story tons great value in Punjabi language and literate Because of stories, Punjabi has not only become acceptable, but also we get the chance to know the different characters base in our culture. The events and incidents of life are presented through different characters in any story. We come to know the culture and traditions of any society in this way. Either any incident of life or the role in life of any character is highlighted in the story. The story is called short story because when the people had not the time to read long and long stories. The stories were presented to the people, so that the people may satisfy their craze of reading and the time may also not waste. As far as the stories of Ali Anwar Ahmad are concerned, the characters of his stories are universal. They are suffering from human complexes. There are evils somewhere and on the other land the victory of goodness our evil has learn presented so we can call the stories of Ali Anwar Ahmad, the stories of our own homes. He has presented village culture very beautifully. That is his ability and excellence. He has presented his stories in unique style.

Dr. Hina Khan, Sidra Sozana Younas. (2023) DEPICTION OF VILLAGE LIFE IN THE STORIES OF ALI ANWAR AHMAD, Parakh, Volume 8, Issue 1, 15th Edition.
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