Languages are the identities of any nation. If languages die, history of nation , a civilization and its heroes all lose their identity as happened to Punjab in past. By depriving them of their language, people of Punjab have been deprived of their culture as well as their history and identity. Education in mother tongue then feeling of inferiority or deprivation never arises in people. In order to eliminate discrimination in the nation, it is necessary to have the same means of education because if the education system being complicated with two or more mediums in education system. it is better to give education in mother tongue. Language has a big role because it also involves the interaction of teachers and students. According to UNICEF, every student should taught in mother tongue especially children should not be taught in any other language. When student is listening to his or her surrounding, the particles do not become accustomed to it, but when he has to read the letters of another language instead of these letters, he finds it strange and unnatural. Education in the mother tongue is an easy way to teach it is connected with the nature of every human being teaching in a language other than nature can be a hindrance in education. Is the largest handrence among student teacher communicaton is due to the alienation of the language. Modern technology can express students easily in their mother tongue, they can understand quickly. By educating in mother tongue teachers can taught well.

Dr. Muhammad Irfan ul Haq, Dr. Karamat Mughal. (2023) THE BENEFITS OF MOTHER TONGUE IN EDUCATION, Parakh, Volume 8, Issue 1, 15th Edition.
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