Sufi is a way to life thwough direct link with God. It describe the nature of humanity of God and brings the personal expreiness the divine love and wisdom, almost every pun sufi poet has presented the diffent espects of sufiasm, in their poetry. Malik M. ayaz is one of the prominate poet of this era. He is the author of two books named in which he descvibed three types of sufi, purification of heanted soul, is the main topic his writing. He also describe the piller of Islam belief in Allah, Tawhend, The spiritual life and life of sufi poet Bully Shah and his poetry detale in 2 nd book.

Dr Asma Ghulam Rasool, Ilyas. (2023) TASAWWUF DY KHAITER WICH NAVI AWAZ "MALIK MUHAMMAD AYAZ", Parakh, Volume 8, Issue 2, 16th Edition.
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