It is a brief sketch of the conceptual apparentus of Actor-Network. Theory, as presented by one of its founders, Bruno Latour. Abbreviated as ANT, this theory draws important lessons from the works carried out by Ants in the realm of collectives alongside the tracing of subtle pathways of connectivity amongst the actors in a network. The slogan is to follow the actors themselves. Described by Latour as a methodology in which "an ant writes for other ants", Actor Network theory builds on an anti-essentialist and non-anthropocentric notion of society - which appears counter intuitive on being non-traditional. This theory provides alternative framework for work in Literary Studies, Discourse Analysis, Critical Theory, Sociology, Anthropology, Science and Technology Studies (STS), Philosophy and Literature. It is a maiden effort to introduce theory to the intelligentsia of Punjabi and Urdu.

Hafiz Muhammad Hamad Mushtaq, Dr Zaheer Hassan Wattoo, Aliha Saleem Noshahi. (2023) ANT, HUMAN ANDSOCIETY: AN ACTOR-NETWORK ANALYSIS, Parakh, Volume 8, Issue 2, 16th Edition.
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