Pakistan has been facing challenges of extremism and terrorism from the last two decades. It is important to find roots of extremism and violence in the society to formulate policies to combat the situation. Studies have shown that peace education plays vital role in bringing peace and harmony in the society. For this purpose it is important to review the existing curriculum in higher education institutions and to assess the need of addition of peace education in the curriculum. It is worth noting to study the curriculum of MS/M. Phil. Islamic studies to assess its effectiveness to promote tolerance, peace and harmony in the society which is the core theme of Paigham-e-Pakistan, the national narrative of government of Pakistan. The originality and value of this study is obvious to suggest the peace education in higher studies curriculum to promote peace, harmony and tolerance in the society.

Amir Hayat, Muhammad Tariq Ramzan . (2022) An Appraisal on Curriculum of Islamic Learning in Higher Education with the Perspective of Paigham-e-Pakistan, Journal of Religious and Social Studies, Volume 2, Issue 2.
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