kashmiri is one of the important language of sub continent.It is an indoõAryan language spoken in many parts of india as well as pakistan iõeõHazara division and kashmir.Both the languages,Kashmiri and Urdu belong to the same language group of Aryan languages Iõe.Indo Arya.kashmiri language belongs to the branch Indo c,a sub group of Indo Aryans.There are many similar ties in both the languages.Most verbs í nouns  and rules of grammers are similar or there is a slight difference between urdu and kashmiri..kashmiri language has been influenced by the persian and arabic languages.Both the languages share alot some specific genres of poetry with each other like marsiya,qaseeda,ghazal,poems,songs and free verses etc, In this artical these,similarities between Kashmiri and Urdu languages have been analyzed

Muhammad Sadiq, Dr Sufian Safi. (2018) اردو اور کشمیری شاعری میں اصنافِ سخن کا اشتراک, IDRAK, Volume 7-8, Issue 1.
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