Increasing interest in mixed method approach in social and behavioral sciences has been observed in last couple of decades. Procedural integration of qualitative and quantitative methods has been addressed by studies. As this design is gaining currency in various disciplines, it was important to evaluate its efficiency and this need was realized in and met in some of the academic disciplines. However, only few studies have examined its use in applied linguistics and that too in general terms, or in contexts outside Pakistan. Therefore, the present study analyzes: i) the acknowledgement of the term mixed methods study in the research in applied linguistics conducted in Pakistani context; and ii) the concluding interpretations to notice the inference quality (Tashakkori & Teddlie, 2008) through the researcher’s argument on the findings from the integrated methods to indicate the metainference. It is hoped that this paper, by elaborating the ways in which applied linguistics researchers design mixed methods studies, will contribute to the better understanding of the utilization of mixed methods inapplied linguistics, particularly in English language teaching, and should therefore be of interest for researchers who are concerned with the scheming of mixed method research.

Samreen Zaheer. (2016) Quality in Mixed Methods Design in Applied Linguistics Research at Federal Universities of Pakistan, Mayar , Volume 15-16, Issue 1 .
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