Asad Muhammad Khan is an established diversified fiction writer
who engulfs a number of thought provoking ideas and characters in his
stories. He roams through places to civilizations without any major
hindrance and recreate dooms cultures and societies which are now part of
our history or anthropology. He artfully does polish those features of
human life which are marginally neglected and considered less valued to be
written. History, time callousness, chivalry, politics, nature, feminism and
family once exalted status are his favorite topics of concern. His writing
style is lucid, clear and communicative but at some places it requires some
special attention and an academic grasp. He explores different fiction
techniques from narration to montage and from flash back to collage. He
admires interregnum of Surry Dynasty and utterly abhors human
سہیل ممتاز. (2017) اسد محمد خان کے فکری دوائر-- ایک تحقیقی مباحثہ, Bazyaft, Vol 30- 31, Issue 2 .
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