Studies were carried out to develop a simple, rapid and accurate HPLC method for the simultaneous determination of Orotic Acid and Folic Acid in pharmaceutical formulation. The separation was done on ODS column by the application of isocratic reversed-phase liquid chromatographic technique. Mobile phase consisted of 800ml phosphate buffer pH 7.2 and 70ml methanol. The method was successfully used for the determination of these drugs in the presence of additives and excipients, which were normally encountered in pharmaceutical formulations. The proposed method of analysis was applied for the individual analysis of both these constituents in their pure forms and found equallyeffective.

QASIMNAZIR QURESHI, MUHAMMAD JAMIL, ABDUL MATEEN. (2005) Simultaneous Determination of Orotic Acid and Folic Acid in Pure forms and in Pharmaceuticals Formulations by HPLC, Pakistan Journal of Analytical & Environmental Chemistry, Volume 6, Issue 1.
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