larified by evolving an accurate and overarching defini on of Mys cism via a compara ve study of the early Ninteenth Century mys c English poets known as the great Roman cs, from Blake to Shelley. The parallel poets are the mys c poets or the Orient, par cularly the Vedan c Hindu and Sufis c Persian. The analy cal paradigm and guiding methodology is essen ally that of ontological quan ta ve research adop ng the epistemological tool of compara ve inquiry. Mys cal experience is a universal phenomenon as it comprises the cardinal principle of all true religions, its basic conclusion epitomizes: God is the eternal verity of religious experience, an Immanent Being pervading all of His crea on, yet transcending them all. The human soul is quintessen ally imperishable and ul mately realizes oneness with God.

Gul Muhammad Umrani , Dr. Sumera Umrani . (2018) Prof. Dr. Gurbuxani’s Ph.D. thesis: Myscism in the early Nineteenth Century Poetry of England, Kalachi, Volume 21, Issue 2.
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