Shaikh Ayaz was not only a versale poet and prose writer but Ayaz has aained the image of rainbow-colored personality of modern sindhi literature. Having a firm grip on different genres of prose, he had an inimitable command on poe try. Ayaz has e xercised in all forms of poe try and in e very form he experienced his exclusive art and skills. His pen was both like a soul and a sword and without doubt he always used it as a creave and cognive device. Ayaz has dispensed his innermost emoons and feelings in all forms of his poetry, but his ballads are unique in all esteems. His ballads really have charmed and contain magical qualies. Sensaon of feelings, so%ness of emo- ons, easiness of expressions and candor of thoughts are credenals of his ballads. Leaving the theme of Ayaz’s ballads aside, one is amazed to find his dicon, wording, rhythm, expression, aesthecs and imaginaon at its crowning. In folk ballads, the re is a resilient affecon and aachment of Shaikh Ayaz with Sindh’s culture. He has not only used the language of common men in his ballads as a form of expression but in doing so has also invigorated the tradi- ons of rural Sindh. Through his ballads appear the real portraits of people of Sindh and its soil while at the same me it depicts a picture of his own feelings and dreams.

Dr. Bashir Ahmed Chandio. (2017) شیخ ایاز جي گیتن۽ لوڪ لوڪ گیتن جمالیاتي جائزو, Kalachi, Volume 20, Issue 2 .
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