Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai is a celebrated mystic poet and saint of Sindh. His poetry is dedicated to the common men of Sindh. This is not only held in high esteem but is also adored. Such an exalted status is seldom achieved by any poet as by Shah Sahib. How is a poet exalted to such status? Several factors are responsible for that, the most important being his affiliation with his country men; he owns their affection and joys and expresses them in their accent. As dialect of a language varies from area to area, in the same way the dialect of different social groups also vary, certain terminologies attached to different occupations are used by the professional of particular occupation. Thus a clear difference is observed in the accent of the people, who despite living in the same social background, render different occupation. Shah Sahib has recited his poetry in the language of various occupation holders of his country like fisherman, cattle grazers, washer-man, potters, weavers, butchers and folk Singers etc.

Dr. Shazia Patafi. (2014) شاہ عبداللطیف ڀٽائيءَ جي شاعريءَ ۾ پورھیتن جي ٻوليءَ جو جائز, Kalachi, Volume 17, Issue 2.
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