Shamsuddin ‘Bulbul’ a renowned and esteemed poet, writer, journalist, reformist and great scholar of Sindhi Language and Literature, was born
in 1857 at Mehar, a little village of that time. He received his Madaressah education in Sindhi, Persian and Arabic Languages. He started his career by joining irrigation department as a ‘Daroga’, but after a short while resigned from
the post. Since young age, Shamsuddin had inclination towards reading and
writing poetry so, he decided to serve the nation by using his creative skills.
Leaving his home village Mehar in 1980, he travelled to Karachi, where he
met Hassan Ali Effendi, the founder of Sindh Madaressatul Islam. Khan Bahadur Effendi was very much impressed by him, and extended offer to him to join
‘Moavin’ the weekly magazine of Madaressah, as the editor, which he accepted. This brought a great change in his life, as he rendered his heroic role in
the field of Literature, Journalism and Education simultaneously. He proved
himself as a prolific writer of Sindhi Language and Literature. He was the first
to introduce humor, satire and wit as a literary forms in Sindhi language, not
only in poetry but also in prose. The renowned poets, writers and journalists of
the time, like Mirza Kalich Beg, Mir Abdul Hussain ‘Sangi’, Muhammad
Hashim ‘Mukhlis’ and Muhammad Bakhsh ‘Wasif’ were his contemporaries.
Adam Butt. (2014) شمس الدین ،بلبل، جون علمي ادبي خدمتون, Kalachi, Volume 17, Issue 2.
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