Gender based sociological and linguistic studies show that differences exist in communication style of men and women, boys and girls. Although many gender stereotypes have changed with modernization and awareness about gender issues however common assumption is that ‘girls are talkative’ and boys are ‘less emotional’. In the context of transitions in culture and society, this study explored verbal and nonverbal communication differences among male and female university students. Using purposive sampling method, male and female students were observed in three types of groups sitting at different social spots in University of Karachi. In total 30 male and 30 female students were observed for verbal and nonverbal communication. The units of observations were Paralanguage (words, pitch, volume, speaking rate) for verbal communication and gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, distance and space when sitting and standing. Results showed that overall both boys and girls were talkative and used slang language within same sex groups. However, the topic of discussion was personal for girls and politics for boys. Females kept a space and distance while sitting and standing as compared to boys. Within groups, male and female student’s body language showed superiority. The study has limitations therefore generalization of results for other gender-typed situations are not promising. Future studies could examine in other situations where status and power difference exist within relationships.

Aliyah Ali , Shagufta Nasreen , M. Abuzar Wajdi . (2019) An Observational Study Of Verbal And Nonverbal Communication In Female And Male University Students, Pakistan Journal of Gender Studies, Vol. 19, Issue 1.
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