This paper addresses the relationship between Digital Libraries (DL) and Digital Humanities (DH) with a special focus on global access to knowledge. An overview DL & DH and their interconnections are described. This is followed by an overview of what the humanities need from a global networked infrastructure involving Digital libraries: in other words, what can Digital Humanities learn from Libraries? Conversely, how can Libraries be DH-Friendly? To conclude we propose some research orientations that emerged from comparing DL and DH agendas, and we outline the challenges that still lay ahead. Review paper on the State of the art of Libraries and Digital Humanities. What do the humanities need from a globally networked infrastructure involving Digital libraries? What can Digital Humanities learn from Libraries? What would a DH-friendly Library involve? What are the core elements and activities that would be involving both? The challenges facing both Digital Libraries and Digital Humanities are discussed and some elements on future directions are outlined.

Widad El Hadi. (2016) Keynote 3: Digital Libraries and Digital Humanities: Some Reflections on their Synergy, Pakistan Journal of Information Management and Libraries, Vol 17, Special Issue .
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