Pakistan is endowed with rich fishery potential and can contribute extensively in the Nation Economy in terms of foreign exchange. At present, there is 300,000 and 400,000 employment opportunities as direct and indirect respectively. About 10,000 Fisher Women are working in different sea food Processing Plants and “Warrahs” (unregistered Processing Plants being run by the Contractors). These Fisher Women working in the “Warrahs” have been deprived off the basic fundamental rights of an Industrial Worker. This discrimination is because the fisher workers being women, resulting in appalling work conditions, low wages, insecurity of job and all types of malpractices are inflicted upon them. All these malpractices are drastically causing health problems and low productivity of fisher women thereby increasing poverty in the society.

Tayyaba Ahmed, Nasreen Aslam Shah. (2011) Study Of Labour Legislation And Its Implementation To Women Workers In The Fisheries Industries Of Pakistan, Pakistan Journal of Gender Studies, Vol. 5, Issue 1.
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