The present study was an attempt made to determine the discrimination as practised against the girl child and as expressed through the attitudes of girl children themselves and their parents. In order to test the hypotheses, an A x B factorial design (A denoting subjects and B socioeconomic status) with each variable at two levels: girls and mothers, and upper and lower class areas, respectively and 50 replicates in each cell (N=200), was employed to study the differences on the main effects and their interaction. One hundred girls ranging from seven to 13 years of age and those having brothers were selected along with their mothers. Their responses were obtained on the two Attitude Scales (one meant for the girl child and the other for the parent) having fairly high test-retest reliability and criterion-related validity. These responses were verified by an interview of the subjects taken later on. The attitude scores of subjects, computed as per standard procedure, were subjected to statistical tests to determine differences in discrimination. The results showed the F-ratio calculated for the main effect ‘girls and their mothers’ and ‘upper and lower class’ to be highly significant.

Muhammad Athar Hussain, Imtiaz Ahmad, Amber Qadar. (2016) Attitude Towards Acceptability Of The Girl Child In Families Belonging To Upper And Lower Socio-Economic Class, Pakistan Journal of Gender Studies, Vol. 13, Issue 1.
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