This article aims to assess the perceptions and practical steps of All female Prime Ministers of SAARC Countries (Benazir Bhutto, Indra Gandhi, Sheikh Hasina Wajid, Begum Khalida Zia and Sirimavo Bandranaike etc), had taken for the betterment of women in their respective countries etc. The socio-economic and geographical approach will be applied in this research paper to gauge to progressive measures introduced by the female prime ministers of SAARC countries. The female prime ministers rose to such a high position due to dynastical family background. These female prime ministers are symbol of female empowerment and representation, and they are gender sensitive and gender conscious to promote the womenfolk in every walk of life. All of them had worked in the areas: health, education, and economic, political representation, control the violence etc. The mirror is placed among the SAARC female prime ministers that how they wore the gender lens to prove themselves as a dynamic leader and also worked by rejecting the orthodox traditions in a patriarchal society to empower their women in their regions. They had signed different international instruments i.e. CEDAW (Convention regarding the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women) 1979, Beijing Declaration 1995, in order to transform their national policies according to the principles of these documents. They were highly aware that SAARC region is less gender sensitive, and had taken various steps to promote the womenfolk in every walk of life. They had accepted all the national and international challenges to tread upon the path of modernization and progressiveness and to bring at par their women with men. Their progressive policies laid far-reaching imprints upon the sand of SAARC soil that they realized that nation cannot progress until and unless our women are supported to participate in national building activities.

Hussan Ara Magsi, Faraz Ahmed Wajidi. (2016) SAARC Female Prime Ministers Policies For Women Empowerment In Their Region, Pakistan Journal of Gender Studies, Vol. 13, Issue 1.
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