Freshwater fish are traditionally captured from rivers but due to their increasing demand fresh water fish culture is gaining popularity. The environmental changes in natural aquatic bodies due to ever-increasing input of pollutants in them adversely affect fish populations and also the pollutants get bio-accumulated in the aquatic food chain. The present study was undertaken to compare selected health parameters of farmraised and wild-caught Labeo rohita. Twenty fish were taken from each of the two groups to perform kidney and liver enzymes profile and histological analysis. The results showed that the values concerning liver function enzymes were significantly altered in wild-caught fish as compared to farm raised fish. Also, significant difference was noted in serum creatinine and urea values between the two groups. Histology of liver and kidney tissues revealed signs of chronic damage in the wild captured fish as characterized by lymphocyte infiltration and altered morphology of functional units. It is concluded from findings of the present study that farm-raised Labeo rohita were healthier and safer to consume compared to the wild-caught fish.

NAILA MALKANI, IRFAN ISHAQUE, KHALID SHAHBAZ, RIZWAN ULLAH KHAN, ARIFA SHABBIR, ATIF YAQUB. (2018) Health comparison of farm-raised and wild-caught Labeo rohita (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae), Biologia – Journal of Biological Society of Pakistan, Volume 64 (II), Volume 64 (II).
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