Multiple cross language WordNets such as Euro WordNet (EWN), Multi WordNet, Asian WordNet and Indo WordNet, have been developed that involve mapping Princeton WordNet (PWN) with the respective language WordNet [1,2,3,4,5]. Majority of these projects have employed the transfer-and-merge method developed during the construction of Euro WordNet for WordNet linkage. This paper discusses the process, challenges and results of linking CLE Urdu WordNet , to the Princeton WordNet Version 2.1 from a linguistic and lexicographic perspective. Based on the synset alignment experience, cross language (Urdu – English) linkage issues have been highlighted followed by a contextual strategy for the resolution. Urdu language concepts that could not be aligned with the PWN 2.1 are also highlighted and discussed.
Ayesha Zafar, Afia Mahmood, Sana Shams , Sarmad Hussain. (2014) Structural Analysis of Linking Urdu WordNet to PWN 2.1, Conference on Language and Technology 2014.
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