Pashto is spoken by an estimated 40 to 50 million people in the world and has a very rich culture and literary history. However, on the computing side, it is not at par with other popular regional languages. Many areas need to be explored. In this paper, we have proposed the optimization of Pashto keyboard layout. Though many Pashto keyboard layouts are already in common use, no standard keyboard layout is available. Furthermore, none of these have been developed on sound scientific basis. The proposed work is for Afghani Pashto and is based on similar work done for other languages. To evaluate the proposed layout, along with other factors, a scoring system is also suggested. Analysis shows that the proposed layout is superior to the existing layouts in many respects.
Muhammad Junaid, Kamran Ghani. (2014) An optimized Pashto Keyboard Layout based on Character Frequency, Conference on Language and Technology 2014.
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