The purpose of this study was to explore risk and protective factors of obesity and its consequences among adolescents. In-depth interviews were conducted from 18 adolescents with obesity (8 males a ... Read More

It has been observed that despite all HRM processes employees are at times dissatisfied. There has been much research on the positive side of self-efficacy and employee wellbeing. However, their neg ... Read More

Obesity has become a problem that is too expensive to ignore. To overcome obesity, we need a precise tool to assess its causal factors. The objective of the study was to develop a scale that clearly ... Read More

The purpose of the current research is to investigate the relationship of family environment with emotional intelligence. It was proposed that a positive relationship would likely exist between emot ... Read More

The study of school motivation behavior of adolescent is crucial for every culture; but there is no valid scientific tool for measuring the same in Bangladeshi culture. Considering the significance ... Read More

The present research was conducted to develop and validate an indigenous self-report measure of happiness, named as Happiness Scale (HS). A conceptual referent theory of happiness (CRT) proposed by ... Read More

Owing to the stiff competition, Universities can get a sustainable competitive advantage by focusing on quality rather than quantity. This paper aims to investigate the students’ perspective about t ... Read More

There are criticisms on the factor structure and internal consistency of Parental Authority Questionnaire (PAQ) during cross-cultural validation with non-Western participants. Therefore, the constru ... Read More

This study investigates the implicit ideologies which result in the Pakistani middle class society’s increasing obsession with clothing brands. Consumerism, neoliberalism and the theory of Commodity ... Read More

The study examined the impact of resilience on posttraumatic growth (PTG) after a successful renal transplant. The contribution of clinical and socio-demographic correlates influencing PTG was inves ... Read More

The present study aimed at examining the relationship between self-criticism, self-silencing and depressive symptoms among adolescents. It was hypothesized that there is likely to be a positive rela ... Read More

The current study aimed at investigating the relationship between elements of cognitive processing, emotional strategies of coping, and to show cognitive dysregulation in permanent employees. More s ... Read More

The present study aims to translate and validate Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) developed by Spector (1985) into Urdu. Scale linguistic equivalence was ascertained by bilingual design with a sample ( ... Read More

Ostracism at workplace can lead to workplace deviant behaviours. Personality traits of the employees might be important determinant of work behaviors and are expected to moderate the ostracism-workp ... Read More