The paper mainly examines how the former British education system can contribute to the present reform movement of madrasah education in Bangladesh, particularly of traditional Qawmi institutions to e ... Read More

The disturbances of 1919 are considered to be a landmark in the course of political agitation in the Punjab. Though they are primarily famous because of the massacre at the JallianwalaBaghin Amritsar, ... Read More

This paper refers to the Padmavat poem as a source of social and cultural history along five major themes. The first is the historicity of Padmavat, the second is the construction of Padmavat as the e ... Read More

This paper aims to investigate the consequences of cultural interactions among different civilizations from ancient times through dialogue and the role played by Gandhara (Pakistan) through the Silk R ... Read More

This paper focuses on the Jain comma a sacred place structured with limestone blocks laid in Cheroli mortar* and associated with Jainism containing marvelous cult paintings and pictures which demonstr ... Read More

The ongoing study assesses the presence of numerous partition narratives in literature and film, as a literary and historical mise en abyme a reflection of the original, frame within a frame, or a pic ... Read More

The Indian North-West Frontier from 1893 to 1897 remained the centre of activities relating not only to Calcutta and London but also Kabul. After the Durand Line Agreement, the Frontier region came di ... Read More

Mosque architecture, especially in medieval India is a strong indicator of culture as well a record of power struggles. In history, Kalinjar, the site chosen for this study, is known as the site of th ... Read More

Mosque architecture, especially in medieval India is a strong indicator of culture as well a record of power struggles. In history, Kalinjar, the site chosen for this study, is known as the site of th ... Read More

Acanthus is one of the significant ancient motifs that has been widely used in the arts of almost all the major religions of the world including Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam. The depiction of sym ... Read More

A Jamia mosque has been a major landmark in any Muslim settlement since ages and one of the most important institutions of the Muslim world. A dome, with its typical shape, has been a significant arch ... Read More

The upper Gangetic valley of the Indian sub-continent emerged as centre of ‘Indo-Islamic culture’ due to the efforts of ‘migrant elite’ from west and central Asia; they were liberally supported by the ... Read More

Kashf al-MaÍjËb [Revelation of the Veiled] authored by Abu’1- × asan ‘AlÊ b. ‘UthmÉn b. ‘AlÊ al-JullÉbÊ al-HujwirÊ (d. between1073-77 circa) was written in Lahore after mid-eleventh century. It is con ... Read More

The ultimate end of Muhyi al-Din ibn ‘Arabi’s philosophy consisted of; perfection, foundation of the doctrine of unity of existence. It also encompassed the core of his concept of the Cosmos regarding ... Read More

The study of Islamic coin calligraphy is relatively late, that of Chinese coin calligraphy is even later. Both calligraphies reflect the political orientation of the respective region and of the centr ... Read More

Over the millenic the Indian Sub-continent., multiple invasions from Persia, Central Asia and Afghanistan, Alexander, the Kushanas and Mahmud of Ghazni, all traversed the Pukhtun border lands during t ... Read More

The Fatimid caliphate that lasted for over two centuries is considered to be a ‘golden age’ of Islamic history. The rule of the Fatimid CaliphImams left behind a rich architectural and cultural legacy ... Read More

Restoration of historic buildings is hard and requires skilled labour and good craftsmanship. The artisan who works in the restoration of old buildings and monuments learnt the skills and techniques f ... Read More

Architecture stands as a strong linkage between past and present. It reflects how beliefs, esthetics and various cultural ideas evolved and transformed into its present form. The Mosque architecture o ... Read More

The objective of this research is to present a concise but vivid analysis of Mughul Architectural heritage established in the city of Chittagong. Chittagong is now the second most important city of Ba ... Read More