Western visual entertainment media’s preference for entertainment over accuracy has produced distorted portrayals of counselling and counsellors. Therefore, the main objective of the present study w ... Read More

Evaluating the Impact of Human Resources on Firm Performance: A Literature Review ... Read More

Facial expressions of emotions are regarded as ‘Crown Jewel’ of nonverbal communication (Mandal & Awasthi, 2014). This study used a computer based emotion recognition task to compare individuals with ... Read More

Health outcomes of transplantation require strict medication compliance. Non-compliance with immunosuppressive medications after renal transplantation is considered to be a major cause of graft reje ... Read More

This study examines the psychological, lifestyle and anthropometric correlates of hypertension. The objective of the study is to find out whether high level of stress, distress, BMI (≥ 25 kg/m2 ) a ... Read More

The 21st century has seen a dramatic change in workforce demographics with increasing number of women entering the workforce in diverse fields and occupational levels. As a result researchers are be ... Read More

Emotional maltreatment is a problem that creates difficulties in the life of adolescents and affects their mental health negatively. This research examined the impact of emotional maltreatment on th ... Read More

Children are becoming a focus of contemporary research due to alarming rise in behavioral problems. This rise is a matter of concern for Western countries and Asian countries like Pakistan. Objectiv ... Read More

A correlational study was conducted to investigate the relationship of Big five personality traits with conflict management styles of obliging, integrating, avoiding, compromising and dominating in ... Read More

This article analyzes the structure and reliability of the Children´s Behavior Questionnaire (CBQ; Rothbart, Ahadi, Hersey, & Fisher, 2001) in Spanish on children from 3 to 8 years old (N = 424). Th ... Read More

The current study aimed to investigate parental acceptancerejection/control and interpersonal difficulties in patients with conversion disorder. It was hypothesized that: the patients with conversion ... Read More

This study analyses the impact of social influences on compulsive buying behavior through psychological influences. Specifically, this study explores the relationships in terms of Stimulus-Organism- ... Read More

The current study was conducted to develop a valid and reliable indigenous scale to measure social competence in adolescents. Keeping the cultural specificity of social competence in view, focus gro ... Read More

The aim of this paper is to explore the relationship between work-family enrichment and job satisfaction, as well as the moderator effect of work schedule flexibility into this relationship. Work-fa ... Read More

The current study was conducted to study the causes of suicide terrorism in Pakistan. A sample of five renowned media analysts was selected through purposive sampling. A semi-structured interview gu ... Read More

The present study assesses developmental epidemiology of polyvictimization. Sample (N = 178) was selected through purposive sampling (14-17 years) from different NGO’s based in Lahore. To assess vic ... Read More

This research attempts to find out difference in use of problem and emotion coping strategies of patients with depressive, anxiety, schizophrenia and substance-related disorders. Through purposive ... Read More

The present study aimed to examine the role of personal spirituality in Islamic perspective as a predictor of workplace attitudes among Muslim doctors in Pakistan. A sample of 200 public and private ... Read More

The present study was designed to determine the direct as well as indirect effects of authentic leadership on the employee creativity; whereas workrelated flow and psychological capital were incorpor ... Read More

The present study was conducted to assess health related behaviors and medication adherence in patients with hepatitis C in Pakistan. It was hypothesized that: there are likely to be significant cha ... Read More