Masjid is a holy place of ALLAH, which is not only a central point for prayers but also a pivotal point for Muslim Collectivism. Miner and Altar (Menbar o mehrab) are the most important place in a Mas ... Read More

Allama Usaid-ul-Haq Qadri Usmani (1975-2014) was a great religious scholar, Islamic thinker, researcher. He remained the director of Al-Azhar institute of Islamic studies Badayun. He also served as me ... Read More

This study was conducted to determine the relevant fatwas of different clerics of different school of thoughts regarding paper currency and further to discuss the pros and cons and explanations regard ... Read More

This paper attempts to study the exploitation of women that takes place in the rural areas of Pakistan in the name of cultural and religious norms. Its main focus is to do analysis of Zeb Un Nisa Hame ... Read More

Riwayat bil-ma’na (sense-reporting) means that a narrator narrates a hadith in his own words without uttering the actual words he listened. It is a method of narrating hadith which is, although oppose ... Read More

Linguistics, through discourses analysis, offers us guidelines for holding successful conversation by following some principles. It guides us about the strategies on when and how to slip ... Read More

Respect for guests and visitors, indeed, always remain a common notion of civilized nations; existing on this earth since its inception. This peculiar characteristic, of course, differentiates human b ... Read More

Dr. Najīb al-Kiylānī is considered one of the foremost modern Islamic writers. He has written more than seventy books include novel, short story, poetry, criticism etc. He was a talented writer who ma ... Read More

Islam is the Deen that fits to the man's nature. Allah Almighty sent his various messengers to convey His Commandments to the mankind. For His final Command-ments, Allah Almighty sent Prophet Muhammad ... Read More

Mujaddid-e-Alfi Sani Shaikh Ahmad al-Fārūqī al-Sirhindī(1564–1624) was an IndianIslamic scholar, aHanafijurist, and a prominent member of the NaqshbandīSufiorder. He has been described a ... Read More

For comprehention of Quran, Archaeology is necessary and important. In Quranic literature, there are much abolished nations. There Histories have been finished. We need intensely to research on archae ... Read More

The shrine of Hafiz Muhammad Siddique named as KHANQAH-E-QADRIA is serving the Muslim Ummah since1258 AH at Bharchondi Sharef,Sindh. All Saints of the shrine served the people spiritually, socially an ... Read More

This article addresses the questions about the nature of Prophetic authority, raised by contemporary orient list Daniel W. Brown in his book 'Rethinking Tradition in Modern Islamic Thought'. In the fo ... Read More

The article aims to highlight the methods of avoiding "fitan" in the light of tradit-ions of prophet Muhammad (PBUH), The literature of Hadiths of prophet Muhammad (PBUH) regarding "Fitan" has been di ... Read More

The comprehensive study of any book is based on the study of author’s adopted methodology.This article contains on short introduction of Sheikh Albani and brief introduction of his book" Silsilah Al ... Read More

Imam Abu Hanifa's personality has earned him a universal recognition throughout the Muslim Ummah. The Ummah has recognized him as an Imam. His jurispru-dence is one of the four most popular jurisprude ... Read More

Islam is a global religion of nations that expresses its universal message to all human kind. It condemns the division of mankind on the basis of race and colour. It is a religion with total guidance ... Read More

Nikah (wedlock) is the only legalized way of physical interaction between a man and woman. It plays an important role to satisfy the instinctive needs of man and woman and also ensure procreation. Dow ... Read More

Allah has issued a series of Prophets for the guidance of humanity, the first link of which is Prophet Adam and last link is seal of the prophets Mohammad peace be upon him. After the d ... Read More

Balochi language is the language of poor people of the rich land. Balochi literature has its own beauty like many other literatures of the world. It has diffused its fragrances in the heart of people ... Read More

Ma'mar Bin Rashid (714 CE) was born in Basra. Ma'mar was belonged to wing of powerful Arab clan Azd. That wing name Hādān was comprised over people who were once slaved. Azd clan had a strong hold on ... Read More


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