The research paper deals with the art of building which was introduced and developed in Lahore during the period of British Raj. We have variety of buildings which were built during the British peri ... Read More

The main objective of the present research is to explain why the policy makers in Pakistan have failed to reform the police in a manner consistent with the dignity, prosperity and security of its ci ... Read More

Pakistan has had a long-standing relationship with the United States. However, this relationship has been very volatile oscillating between close alliance and extreme disagreement and disenchantment ... Read More

The previous anthropological studies on Pukhtuns, conducted by different scholars have usually focused on peripheries like Swat. The present article looks Hazar Khwani, a village in the vicinity of ... Read More

Sikh religion has its origin in the land of Punjab. It is the youngest of the major religions of the world. This religion was an attempt to reform Hinduism and Islam. It believes in the idea of mono ... Read More

The study contributes to the body of literature related to the women issues as it highlights the patriarchal structures that caused to raise a voice for the feminist debates in Pakistan. The researc ... Read More

Modern city of Islamabad is one of the oldest living inhabitants in the world. Islamabad has the complete sequence and archaeological findings of Stone Age life showing a continuity of man in this r ... Read More

The china-Pakistan economic corridor (CPEC) project is a paramount investment by China under the framework of one belt, one road. CPEC invigorate the relationship between china and Pakistan by consi ... Read More

Job related rewards plus recognition on job satisfaction and employee motivation in the banking sector of China. We collect data from five major banks from Shanghai, China at the administrative and ... Read More

The tradition of woodcarving in the Subcontinent has traversed a long history with a magnificent stylistic diversity. We observe two major transitions in content, style and emphasis in woodcarving. ... Read More

For the most part, Pakistan’s history is fraught with internal and external turbulence, which has obstructed the country’s way to politico-economic stability. Notwithstanding its external challenges ... Read More

The attacks of 9/11 caused US to attack Afghanistan. Indian engagement in Afghan issue has serious consequences on the region particularly on Pakistan. The present Indo-US entente is considered as “ ... Read More

This study seeks to analyse the iconic representations of Imam Ali depicted in popular Shia religious art displayed in domestic and public settings. It has a great significance in the ritual and dev ... Read More

After forty years of the 1971 Indo-Pak war, the government of Bangladesh established a special tribunal to prosecute war crimes allegedly committed in 1971 that led to the creation of a new country. ... Read More

The record of the proceedings of the Punjab Legislature clearly shows that its members preferred to defend their communal interest’s visa-a-vis of common cause against the British Raj. Given that th ... Read More

Miniature is a traditional painting style of the Subcontinent. Artists of great talent have explored it and created masterpieces. This art form was encouraged by the Ghaznavids, Ghorids and Sultanat ... Read More

Abstract Afghanistan is a landlocked country and always depended upon the cooperation of Iran, India and Pakistan to develop its international trade links with the world through seas. Pakistan’s ec ... Read More

It has always been a challenge for the developing countries to develop a unified approach towards dealing with their issues of historical environment. There has always been a conflict of interest be ... Read More

This paper investigates the worth of minorities by discussing the ideology of Pakistan. The main purpose of the paper is to examine the several articles related to minorities formed in constitution ... Read More

Based on the premise of organizational support theory this study investigates the relationship between perceived organizational support and citizenship behavior of employees. The study offers a nove ... Read More

History-writing in Pakistan is generally criticised for ignoring the influences raging at the international level and mainly following a traditional style. In the 20th century, one of the greatest c ... Read More

It was January 7, 1977 when Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto advised President Fazal Ilahi Chaudhry to dissolve the National Assembly for holding the general elections on March 7, 1977, to be foll ... Read More

The present study was conducted to study the possible relationship between four promotional practices related to sales viz. price discount, sample, buy one get one free and coupon with impulse buyin ... Read More

This Paper is about the Combined Opposition Parties, an electoral alliance which challenged Ayub Khan in the 1965 Presidential election. The alliance not only challenged but it gave a tough time thr ... Read More

Abstract Photography’s ability to make a phenomenon believable authenticates it as an act to record memory to archive pictorial heritage. Photography has a strong role in building collective visual ... Read More

Handmade movie hoardings were made for the publicity of movies in the first five decades of Pakistani Cinema; however, with the introduction of computers, in 1990s, these were transformed into digit ... Read More

Iqbal was not a professional politician but at certain stages of his life he showed a keen interest in the politics of the sub-continent. Even in the area, he handled many complex problems with rema ... Read More

Pakistan is passing through another political transition. After general elections of July 25, 2018, new elected government has taken the saddle. The present party government has come up with a sloga ... Read More

Punjab, with rich fertile tracts of land, considered a ‘Model Province’ and ‘Barometer of India’. Therefore, to fulfill agricultural needs in Britain, British annexed the Punjab in March 1849, after ... Read More

This research is a view to explore the different aspects of British company’s educational policies (1813-54), educational role of Christian missions and reaction of Muslims in India. This period cre ... Read More

Based on the premise of organizational support theory this study investigates the relationship between perceived organizational support and citizenship behavior of employees. The study offers a nove ... Read More

‘Emerging Adulthood’, a concept developed by Jeffrey Jensen Arnett (2005), is an important phenomenon prevailing world over. The concept explains that with major socio-economic development, youth ar ... Read More

The aims of this study is to observe the efficiency of prominent microfinance banks working in Pakistan as the microfinance banks not only playing its role in poverty alleviation but also becomes an ... Read More

The paper seeks to take a detailed overview of the legislation both in India and Pakistan. The paper argues that the extant legislation is an endeavor to encompass some of the oddities of the proble ... Read More

Myanmar is one of the most culturally and ethnically diverse state in the world, with almost 135 ethnic groups. Owing to this diversity, the country has been suffering with multiple internal ethnic ... Read More

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto emerged as the populist leader in the elections of 1970 with his Pakistan People’s Party established in 1967. Bhutto had worked in Ayub Khan’s cabinet for a long time and he knew ... Read More

This paper, comprising of three parts, evaluates torture and inhumane punishments prevalent during the three important phases of history of South Asia namely ancient India, medieval India and Britis ... Read More

The term „spiritual guide‟, known as „Murshid‟ is closely associated with the spiritual movement of Sufism. Murshid is, commonly recognized as a guide, a leader, a Guru, an instructor, a teacher or ... Read More

Sir Aurel Stein’s archaeological explorations are numerous enough and are characterized by the great socio-political considerations of the time. The present paper deals with one of his thoroughly ex ... Read More

This paper presents an in-depth analysis of the domestication of Muslim women during the Umayyad period (660-750 A.D). Umayyad was the first dynasty which ruled over the Muslim Empire without any pa ... Read More

In 21st century, poor drainage system mainly exists because of the increasing population and urbanization which is associated with deterioration in sanitation and environmental health conditions. Th ... Read More

Kashmir has been smoldering for the last seven decades without having any kind of permanent solution or bilateral arrangement agreed upon between India and Pakistan. Change of governments on both si ... Read More

Postmodernism is defined by an attitude of skepticism or distrust toward metanarratives, ideologies, the existence of objective reality and absolute truth. It apt to deconstruct all of those elements ... Read More

China’s One Belt One Road initiative is interpreted as its quest for playing a decisive and dominant role in international political and economic order. The grand strategy is designed to enhance Chi ... Read More

This paper evaluates validity of the five modes of military intervention offered by S.E. Finer in politics in the perspective of military coup (1999) in Pakistan. As stated by Finer, professionaliza ... Read More

Civil dissilience Movement was one of the important political developments of the sub-continent of 1930s era. It was directly or indirectly associated with all the stake holders of India. The presen ... Read More