An elaborate endeavor in studying world religions would glaringly uncover the fact that most of the religions have enacted rules to follow, pertinent to daily livelihood. Such are the set of rules tha ... Read More

lexical investigation of words/selected passages of Quran is among many ways of exegesis of Quran. Such work is compiled on the basis of an extensive analysis of the text of the Quran and consideratio ... Read More

The ancient 5000 BC years old Indus Valley Civilization, widely recognized as one of the most important early cities of South Asia. It is one of the world’s first cities and contemporaneous with ancie ... Read More

The word excommunication means to exclude a Muslim from prescribed boundary of Islam.non of us have the authority of excommunicated any one from Islam except Allah almighty and his beloved prophet Moh ... Read More

The word excommunication means to exclude a Muslim from prescribed boundary of Islam.non of us have the authority of excommunicated any one from Islam except Allah almighty and his beloved prophet Moh ... Read More

In India scholar‘s had played incredible role for ‘Hadith’. The service of Indian Muslim scholars about methodology of Hadith is much more than other countries scholars in the last 50 years of thirtee ... Read More


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