The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship
between corporate governance and financial performance of the pharmaceutical
industry in Pakistan. The study examined corporate governance dimensions in
terms of board composition, board size, board education, board experience and
CEO duality, while financial performance is measured in terms of ROA, ROS.
The findings of this study indicate that composition of board, size of the board,
board education and board experience is strongly associated with firm financial
performance. Moreover, it is also found that duality of the chief executive officer
is negatively linked with return on sales and return on asset of the firms. Hence,
duality of the chief executive officer has negatively affected the financial
performance of the pharmaceutical firm in Pakistan. Whereas, composition of
board, size of the board and board experience have positive impact on the
financial performance of the pharmaceutical firm in Pakistan.
Khurshed Iqbal. (2016) The Impact of Corporate Governance on Financial Performance of the Pharmaceutical Industry in Pakistan, Abasyn Journal of Social Sciences, Volume-09, Issue-1.
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